Land ownership / possession
One of the stated goals of this project is 'land-sharing' and helping people to find (or build) a home. This touches (obviously) on the question of land ownership and 'private property', so it is probably worthwhile to get at least a ballpark idea of where we each stand on these issues.
Note: This is an extremely sensitive topic and what is written below is a work in progress. Some wording is subject to change (even if the underlying ethos remains the same). Nothing written below should be construed as dogmatic or even final.
Property vs possession?
There might be a diversity of opinions regarding land and private property amongst us. Some people might regard themselves as 'stewards' rather than outright 'owners' of the land in perpetuity. Others might regard the land as their property, period.
Whatever finer points we may differ on, please remember two points:
- one of the primary goals of this project is to help people find a home
- without entering in to debt
- and not just a home, but also a place to work, play, grow food, etc.
- rent-seeking is strongly frowned upon here
- except in isolated cases - such as to help a homeowner to repay a mortgage
History of land ownership and struggles in Ireland
It is not feasible to discuss the history of land ownership in Ireland in any sort of detail here. Anyone interested can read about the 'Land War' and the National Land League in the late 1800s, and - going back further in time - the plantations, and - going back even further - the granting by Henry II of large tracts of land to Anglo-Norman settlers in the late 1100s.

Suffice to say ... It is evident that certain classes of landowners in this country have had an unfair advantage over others going back hundreds of years - and have been essentially living at the expense of others.
We are determined to explore creative ways of solving this problem.
Henry George and the land value tax
Although many people - following the lead of Henry George - propose a land value tax as a solution to the 'land problem', this particular author is skeptical of taxation for this purpose. Others involved may have different views about this.